Donate Today!

All our work is made possible by the generosity of donors like you. Provide immediate support, long-term security, or historic assets through your tax-deductible gift today!

Your donation to the Museum for general support allows us to do what we do best. You may also provide a restricted gift, if you want to support a specific aspect of our work, or donate in memory/honor of someone you love and/or respect.

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Prefer to donate by check (or donating more than $1000)? You can mail donations to:

The West End Museum
150 Stanford Street, Suite 7
West End Boston, MA 02114

The WEM Fund was established in 2022 with a $1,000,000 contribution from Mass General Hospital. Your contribution to this endowment secures the future of The West End Museum through investments that will grow with us and what we do!

We ask that gifts to the WEM Fund be made by check. You can contact if you have any questions about giving to the WEM Fund. 

Your contribution of documents, photos, and/or artifacts to the Museum ensures that your treasures will be properly protected and remain available for many generations to come. 

Archival gifts to the Museum come in many forms, and we encourage you to email to discuss the particulars of your donation. 

Planning a bequeathal to The West End Museum is simple, and helps to ensure that the story of the West End will live on for generations to come. Planned gifts are most easily prepared through your will or trust, and can be arranged by the professional managing either. You’ll just need to know that our name is “The West End Museum, Incorporated” and our tax ID number (EIN) is 27-5438528.

Please inform us of your planned gift when you arrange it so we have the opportunity to say thank you. 

You can contact us at for more information. 

There are a number of ways that corporations can support The West End Museum. Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships, and Residential Building Memberships are all great ways to get involved.

Sponsorships often support a specific exhibit or program that fits your brand. Sponsorship is also available for The WEM Weekly, our website and other “general” mediums.

Corporate Memberships provide member’s benefits to your entire staff. These memberships are easy to set up by emailing

Residential Building Memberships allow you to offer Museum membership benefits to your entire building. These are typically arranged for buildings that are at least 50% rental units, but we’re happy to be flexible. Email us at for more information.